I once experienced a lucid dream where I was walking with a friend, D., in an open field. Throughout the dream, I was acutely aware of its nature as a dream, yet everything appeared vividly real. D.’s image was indistinguishable from her real-life appearance, and the sensation was akin to reality, despite my conscious awareness of dreaming.

During the dream, I reached a point where I felt compelled to disclose its true nature to D. I turned to her and said, ‘D., I need to tell you something important. We are currently in my dream. You are not real …. as I am merely dreaming of you now..’.

Her reaction was striking and unforgettable. With a look of profound astonishment, she replied in a puzzled tone, ‘Tell me, Raz – are you crazy?’
I felt scolded and totally helpless, as I couldn’t any possible way to convince her of her non-reality and the fact that she was an imagined part of my dream.

While ‘I’ was the dreamer, aware of the dream’s nature, my mind created the entire scenario, including D.’s response. Yet, her reaction felt as surprising to me as it would be to anyone if I attempted to convince them that they were merely a part of my dream.
This dream raised in me the question: Who truly dreamed of D.? 💎

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