חלומות בעולם העתיק

חלומות אינקובציה והזמנת חלום בעולם העתיק

מאת ד”ר חיים וייס

מאת: ד”ר יהושע פרנקל

חלומות במקרא

מאת:     רות נצר

החלום במחשבה המיסטית – חירות הפירוק והצירוף

מאת : פרופ’ רחל אליאור

נשים, חלומות ומוות בעת העתיקה

מאת:    חנה וורסמן

  Women, dreams and death in antiquity

Hannah Wasserman

Jewish literature in ancient times illustrates a widespread belief in the connection between women and death. When we collect the dream stories of women from ancient times, five out of six dreams that speak of women are associated with death. Eve’s dream in the Book of Adam and Eve shows a woman who is intimately acquainted with the devil, evil, and death. She is accused of bringing death upon humanity. The figure of Rebecca in the Book of Jubilees describes a woman who understands evil well because she gives birth to an evil man – Esau. This grants her the right to understand that death comes as she foresaw in her dream. Josephus writes about two female figures who both dream about death. Finally, in the Gospel according to Pontius Pilate, Pontius Pilate’s wife also dreams a dream about evil and death. Each of these dreams suggests that women had a good understanding of death and evil. Keywords: Dreams, Women, Judaism

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